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ISO4407-2002 ISO 4407-2002 液压传动.液压液污染.用光学显微镜计数法测定粒状物污染

标准编号:ISO 4407-2002 时间:2002-04-15 大小:KB 浏览次数:1095 下载次数:292
资料名称: ISO4407-2002 ISO 4407-2002 液压传动.液压液污染.用光学显微镜计数法测定粒状物污染
标准类别: 行业标准
语  言: 简体中文
文件类型: .rar
整理时间: 2002-04-15
授权方式: 免费下载
下载方式: FTP下载
等  级:
标准状态: (仅供参考)
作废日期: (仅供参考)
实施日期: 2002-04-15(仅供参考)
浏览次数: 1095次
标准简介: ISO 4407-2002 液压传动.液压液污染.用光学显微镜计数法测定粒状物污染 ISO4407-2002 This International Standard specifies methods for determining the level of particulate contamination in liquids used in hydraulic systems by counting the number of particles deposited on the surface of a membrane filter using an optical microscope. It includes particle counting by two manual methods and image analysis using either transmitted or incident lighting systems.Particle sizes greater than or equal to 2 micrometres can be sized and counted by this method but the resolution and accuracy of the results will depend upon the optical system used and the capabilities of the operator.All hydraulic fluids with a wide range of contamination levels can be analysed according to this International Standard. However the counting uncertainty at the larger particle sizes increases if the volume filtered is reduced to allow smaller sized particles to be counted where a fine precipitate or a high particle concentration is present.

标准编号: ISO 4407-2002 正在载入地址
标准名称: 液压传动.液压液污染.用光学显微镜计数法测定粒状物污染
英文名称: Hydraulic fluid power - Fluid contamination - Determination of particulate contamination by the counting method using an optical microscope)(仅供参考)
替代情况: 替代ISO 4407-1991(仅供参考)
采标情况: (仅供参考)
发布部门: (仅供参考)
页  数: (仅供参考)
首发日期: (仅供参考)
复审日期: (仅供参考)
提出单位: (仅供参考)
归口单位: (仅供参考)
主管部门: (仅供参考)
起草单位: (仅供参考)
相关标准: 无相关信息
下载次数: 292次
下载地址: 点此打开推荐最佳下载地址


